Saturday, June 28, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Another share on twitter!!!!

Our first share on Instagram!!!!

Kindness for Kate

The above news story is about my best friend Kate Goldstein. Kate and I grew up together from the age of 4 years old. She was my first friend in a time where I was constantly being bullied. You see, Kate and I were the nice kids. The kids who wouldn't say a bad thing about anyone and she and I stuck together because we decided kindness mattered more than anything. 
As you see from the above article, Kate died tragically in India. She was installing solar panels in a remote region of northern India called Ladakh. She went out for a run one morning, as she always did, but never returned and her body was found in a ravine below a very steep cliff. She was reported to have slipped and fallen on some loose rock.
My heart is heavy with the loss of my best friend. However this morning, I woke up with an overwhelming sense to do great things in the world. And that's what Kate was all about which is why I want to start the "Kindness for Kate" project. I want to encourage small, or even big acts of kindness  in honor of my best friend. That's what she would have wanted and that's what I want to give her. She gave everyone she knew so much just by being kind and going above and beyond to help people. I want the world to know about this amazing girl.
Let's spread ‪#‎kindessforkate‬!!!
Sarah Shechtman